Congratulations to University of Sydney Law School LLB and JD students Michelle Chen Daniel Hu, Kim Nguyen and Sean Yalcinkaya. They combined with other students mostly from ANU to form “Team Australia”, which again came second in the INC negotiation and arbitration competition held over 9-10 December 2023 in Japan (this time pipped by UTokyo, with KyotoU coming third).

Importantly and deservedly, Team Australia won the ANJeL-sponsored prize for best (marks in) Teamwork. That was particularly impressive as the students have to cooperate cross-institutionally, and focus on moot preparations over the tense exam period. The students were also able to have a special tour of the apex Supreme Court, helped by ANJeL’s longstanding support for judicial visitors from Japan.
Special thanks to the lead coach and ANU law lecturer, James C. Fisher (and in past years Profs Kent Anderson and Veronica L. Taylor, ANJeL Advisors) as well as CAPLUS affiliate Nobumichi Teramura and Inma Conde for practice arbitrations. We are also grateful for support from DFAT (New Colombo Plan scholarships), Dean Simon Bronitt, Mitsui Matsushima and many past Moot alumni – including Ben Hines and Irene Ma (both in the 2022 Team that also came second) and Eriko Kadota (now with Linklaters in Tokyo). For more details about this and past Teams see here.