Away on Long-Service Leave for August-December 2017

After 16 years at Sydney Law School, including 168 substantive postings to this Blog since 2008 (listed below), I am taking a real break!
For queries regarding various research projects and publications-in-progress, please contact my research assistant Kirsty Gan:
For matters related to the Australian Network for Japanese Law, please contact the ANJeL Executive Coordinator: (or:
For updates on next February’s Kyoto / Tokyo Seminars in Japanese Law, please contact:
In the unlikely event they cannot deal with your inquiry, they have my private contact details.
Otherwise, you may try contacting me via or posting me material to: Sydney Law School, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Occasionally I will be clearing my (physical) mailbox there.
I do not plan to check or respond to emails to my USydney or other work-related accounts, except when I am “back on the job” (but overseas) around 4-12 and 16-21 November, and fully from early January 2018.

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