12th ANJeL Japanese Law conference: Cairns, 16 May 2014 (2)

The Australian Network for Japanese Law (ANJeL) successfully hosted the Cairns Symposium on Japanese Law on Friday 16 May, with special thanks to ANJeL member and James Cook University Associate Professor Justin Dabner.
The Symposium’s primary theme was ‘Japanese Law and Business Amidst Bilateral and Regional Free Trade Agreements’, which was a timely coincidence, in light of the conclusion of negotiations for the Japan Australia Economic Partnership Agreement on 7 April 2014. However, presentation proposals dealing with other Japanese Law topics were also welcomed, and topics discussed included agricultural land law and policy, corporate law reforms, insolvency law and practice, long-term contracting, cross-border investment dispute resolution, tax treaties, emissions trading schemes and political participation rights. Please see here for previously published abstracts and see here for the conference program.
The list of presentations topics and speakers, and where possible, their presentation slides appear below.

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